August 07, 2022Little Book Club
Book Review: My Body

“My body is amazing. It grows and changes all the time.”
My Body is an instalment of the ‘Ladybird Magic Windows’ book series, sweetly illustrated by Libby Burns. The push and pull window tabs provide an interactive element for your little one, and they
can watch the pictures change before their eyes.
can watch the pictures change before their eyes.

Paired with positive reinforcements and affirmations, My Body is perfect
for building healthy attitudes towards growing bodies. A short and sweet book filled
with charming colours and illustrations, My Body is all about respecting and taking care of our bodies and valuing all the amazing things they can do!
for building healthy attitudes towards growing bodies. A short and sweet book filled
with charming colours and illustrations, My Body is all about respecting and taking care of our bodies and valuing all the amazing things they can do!

My Body is a great introduction to general health education – with pages on using healthy food as fuel for our bodies, and the importance of catching those Zzz’s!

By promoting body-focussed kindness and gratitude – My Body can serve as a stepping stone for healthy body image development.
“My body helps me to learn about the world.”
“My body helps me to learn about the world.”