May 10, 2022Little Loves
Baby Bag Essentials

Putting together your baby bag can be an overwhelming task! What will I need? Do I have enough clothing - so many questions come to mind. We have put together a list of baby bag must haves to help you pack the perfect baby bag.

A change mat is one of those baby items that just comes in so handy - especially when out at a shopping mall or other public places where you find yourself needing to change your baby. We have a range of different change mats from leather mats by Henlee to padded cotton mats by Mushie.

Nappies are a must-have essential! Babies always go through so many nappies - especially in those first few months and if your babies are anything like mine then they always like to catch you off guard when you are out and about so it always pays to pack a few extra.

Wipes go hand in hand with nappies - an essential for any outing! Plus super handy for mums as well as they are perfect for wiping any spillages off your clothing. It happens more often than you'd think!

It is so so handy to have a few spare pacifiers on hand. Pacifiers are like socks - super easy to lose track of so it's always best to keep a few in your baby bag. You never know when you'll need one. It's great to keep a pacifier clip in your bag too as they come in super handy when your baby gets a bit older and starts to throw them - a fun game for them...not so much for the parents.

I can't even tell you the amount of times I used our muslin cloths/swaddles when I was out and about with my kids when they were younger. They are such a great multipurpose item - great to pop over the pram when the sun becomes a bit much, wrap them up in when it cools down or when they are ready for a nap, or to lay your baby down on.

We can't go past The Nude Alchemist! The perfect product to have in any nappy bag. The Booty Balm is a must have followed closely by all their other amazing products like the teething tamer for when your babies teeth start to cut through or the Nipple Nectar for breastfeeding Mum's.

A change of clothes is a must for any baby bag. More often than not you will need to change your baby when out and about due to a spill or nappy leak! One of the many joys of Motherhood. It's best to pack at least one full change of clothes including a knit, hat and socks - just in case.

The weather here in New Zealand is forever changing and we can often have every season in one day! So its always good to pack a little hat to pop on for when it gets cold. The Nature baby hats or Quincy Mae bonnets are my favourites.

A little toy is always great for those moments when your baby starts to get a little unsettled or just needs a bit of stimulation. The Konges Slojd Tiny Friends Activity Rings are a great option as you can clip them on the pram or carseat so it doesn't get lost.

A snack for Mum for on the go is always a good idea - sometimes we forget about ourselves! Especially when we are so busy looking after our little ones. The Lila Jasmine Lactation Bars are my favourite and so handy to have on the run.