July 23, 2020Little Spaces
Creating a Place for Play
Creating a place for play in your home is such a great way to encourage little ones to dream and let their imaginations run wild. Whether its the corner of a room, an area outside, or a playroom in your house, there are endless ways to create a space for fun.

We have fallen in love with this beautiful playroom put together by Gold Coast mum of three, Chloe of @our.peachy.days. Filled with warm colours, cosy corners, and lots of open ended toys this space is the perfect place for play.
We talk to Chloe about this beautiful space she put together for her three children, Mackenzie who is 5, Luka who is 2, and Newborn Alby who is 4 weeks old...

What sort of space were you trying to create when putting together the playroom?
When putting the children’s play room together I wanted to create a space that was gender neutral and age appropriate for all three children.
I also dreamt of something adventurous but with colours that would still fit in with the neutral and earthy aesthetics around our home.

How do you encourage learning through play?
Having worked the last 10 years in childcare I have a passion for encouraging learning through play. I believe it’s important to include lots of open ended play opportunities and toys, shuffling around the playroom to create a new and exciting play space, and including a variety of play equipment that encourage different development skills.

What is your children's favourite thing about the playroom and why?
Mackenzies favourite thing in the play room at the moment is the kitchen, she loves to role play and be just like mummy, cooking meals and making coffees for her dolls. Luka loves his wooden treehouse! He loves to play with little people and animals - he has a wild imagination already!
Mackenzies favourite thing in the play room at the moment is the kitchen, she loves to role play and be just like mummy, cooking meals and making coffees for her dolls. Luka loves his wooden treehouse! He loves to play with little people and animals - he has a wild imagination already!

What is your favourite thing in the playroom and why?
My favourite thing about the playroom at the moment is the mural on the wall, I just love the colours and it’s so eye catching and fun! The children were so excited when they came home from preschool and saw the wall painted!

The feature wall is such a beautiful addition - how did you achieve this?
Thank you, the wall was actually really simple to achieve, my friend Jess inspired me to paint the spots.
I chose a selection of earthy paints from Dulux wash and wear range and just simply free hand painted them onto the wall, each spot is a slightly different size and shape so I couldn’t really go wrong...

What are your top five tips for someone wanting to create a fun space for their children?
My top 5 tips would be:
* Include a variety of toys and activities that your children show interest in for example role play, construction, gross motor or arts and crafts.
* Provide open ended toys that children can explore and that encourage imagination and stimulate problem solving.

* Encourage the space to be inviting and fun by adding some funky wallpaper, wall stickers or try painting something yourself.
* organise all your children’s toys into labelled clear tubs, making it easier to keep tidy and organised. This way you can easily shuffle them around when children want to play with something different.
* Add a comfy rug, mat or cushions for your children to sit and play comfortably.

Where did you collect the pieces in the playroom from?
The little kitchen is the Ikea play kitchen that I hacked with a coat of paint, the activity table and stools are also ikea. The other pieces in the playroom such as the beautiful wooden tree house, wooden dolly highchair, wooden climbing equipment, and coffee machine are collected from all different stores. Then cane pram is vintage from an op shop.
What are your favourite pieces at Little Gatherer right now?
My favourite pieces from little gatherer would definitely be:
- Dinkum dolls and accessories
- Holdie house and dolls
- Mushie stacking cups
- Baby noise musical instruments
- Mountains building blocks
- Wooden stacking waterfall
- Wooden tool set
- Wooden vegetable set
- Mixer set
These would all be such beautiful open ended pieces to add into your children’s playroom!

Beautiful room brought to us by the lovely Chloe of @our.peachy.days. Follow her account for cute baby spam and gorgeous interiors.